XIII Edition International Festival Short film “I Corti sul lettino Cinema e psicoanalisi.” Naples 3-4 June 2022

29 Marzo 2022 | Di Ignazio Senatore
XIII Edition International Festival Short film “I Corti sul lettino Cinema e psicoanalisi.” Naples 3-4 June 2022
"I Corti sul Lettino - Cinema e Psicoanalisi" - Direttore Artistico: Ignazio Senatore

After the success of the previous editions, sealed by the presence of the art director Roberto Faenza, Giuseppe Piccioni, Marco Risi, Ettore Scola, Alessandro Haber, Alessandro D’Alatri, Giò Giò Franchini, Mimmo Calopresti, Daniele Luchetti , Marina Confalone, Cristina Donadio and Marco Mario de Notaris as chairpersons of the jury, Ignazio Senatore, psychiatrist and film critic, will conduct the annual Festival of Short Films “I Corti sul lettino – Cinema e Psicoanalisi” aimed at Italian and foreign filmmakers. This Festival is reported on IMDB.

The short movies will compete for: best actor, best actress, best documentary, best foreign short movies, best short movie awarded by the pubblic. The winners will be awarded with a plate.

The event will take place on 3-4 June 2022 in Naples, involves the screening of short films that will be selected by a jury composed of qualified directors, actors, directors, film critics, journalists and operators of the sector.
Each work, directed after 2019, must last a maximum of 15’, not including titles and credits.
– The Italian authorities must submit short films in Italian LANGUAGE or
                                                                     WITH ITALIAN SUBTITLES.

Membership is free and the deadline is the 31 july 2022. The competition is free.
Participants must submit to the secretariat of the competition, as an annex to the works submitted, the application form attached to this announcement that can be downloaded from the site below: www.cinemaepsicoanalisi.com

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